Sunday, August 4, 2013

French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War was fought from 1754 to 1763 in North America. The European historians will say it is the North American theater of the Seven Years War, that involved several European countries. The  initial battle by the French and British was over waterways in the valley of the Ohio River. The war was over world domination. 
    The Indians were Native Americans from nearby tribes that fought mostly with  the French. They sided with the French and after the British victory Indian dispossession continued until today. This was ironic after the French insisted on a no looting policy during the war. 
    The war was very expensive for both Great Britain and France. Both nations were in debt. King George III imposed taxes on the colonists, leading to the American Revolution. King Louis XV taxed his subjects, leading to the French Revolution.
    This was the first war to use guerrilla warfare. While the British marched in lines the Indians hid and shot from behind trees.  This leveled the playing field since the British had more than twice as many troops. War is never fair.

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