Sunday, June 2, 2013

Retryin Rags and Frosty

    Rusty and Rags sat in their matching recliners watching Sherlock, eating ice cream, eventually nodding off in their cozy living room.  Then the wind blew the window open and the rushed to turn off the television.  It was too late.  The door opened and Frosty arrived.
    Rusty knew he needed to be the one to get Frosty to leave. Rags had a long history of taking him in, no matter how mean Frosty was. It started right away.  " Rode the train in the ice cream car, all the way from Snowy.  Trains trump all other forms of public transportation, which you wouldn’t know since you never leave this one horse town. You really should get out more. " 
    Rusty got up to close the door and turned the thermostat up to 90°F. The temperature began to rise in the house, and Frosty started to drip.  " What's wrong with your house? This hovel is like an oven! "  Frosty flung open the windows and the cold wind made Rags shiver. Rusty brought him a sweater and went into the kitchen.
    Rags enjoyed a warm beverage before bed. Usually Rusty made him a cup of tea, two sugars and milk. Instead, he made an entire pot. On his way into the living room, Rusty tripped and the hot tea splattered all over Frosty.  " You clumsy fool! I look like a golfball! "  Rusty idroitly cleaned up and made another cup of tea.
    Growing concerned, Rusty appreciated his position. He considered Rags' feelings for Frosty. He wanted an invisible weapon. Rusty went back to the kitchen. He found the salt shaker, and emptied it on the way to the guest bedroom. Rusty woke up early to mop.